Play Full Body workshop

The workshop is designed to be a playful physical journey but focused on mental challenges and the explicit goals of artistic expression and creativity. We will change the prism by searching for different ways of looking at movement and its qualities.

An invitation to explore a space that is neither too new nor too familiar, but something in between; like walking with a compass, but without a map.


Guided improvisations and specific technical exercises will be the work's starting point, mainly in pairs and groups. During the workshop, we will often switch roles from the performer (creator) to the observer (audience) so that different questions and insights may arise. Participants will play with their own vocabulary within defined but changing contexts to experiment and observe specific bodily mechanisms and mental processes while dancing. Opening the doors of perception, we will search for those creative impulses that, once released, offer opportunities for new technical and performative achievements.

Modalités pratiques

Directed to professional or dance students, or participants with enough physical knowledge of their body. The workshop is physically demanding and we will do work in couples, so be ready to touch and being touched by others.

contemporary dance teacher